Progressive Series Results for 47th Australian Championship

Low-Points Scoring Results - Drop 1 race.

Last Racing Held on 7/01/2009 at 15:00.

Sail Yacht Skipper 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total Standing
3833 No Bull Grant Alderson 7 [21] 2 3 1 2 3 18 1
3911 **** Barry Parkin 2 [107] 5 1 9 4 2 23 2
3739 Ffortune Aaron Goodmanson 4 11 [107] 4 2 5 1 27 3
3821 Tba Steve Goacher 11 [18] 1 11 4 1 4 32 4
3917 Art Gekko Mike Hart 5 1 6 10 3 [107] 8 33 5
3905 Secret Ingredient X David McKee [20] 3 8 14 14 10 9 58 6
3881 I'd Swap This For A Bundy Adam Hawkins 9 17 7 13 [31] 6 7 59 7
3796 Ffatigaos Javier Chacártegui 1 13 4 8 13 [45] 27 66 8
3619 Affrodisiac Ron Packer 10 4 31 5 8 [39] 15 73 9
3670 Escalator Graeme Lillingston 15 12 3 23 29 9 [107] 91 10
3718 Fully Active Board Ashley Smith 36 6 24 [38] 11 7 10 94 11
3661 Fizz Gavin Dagley 32 37 10 7 [40] 11 12 109 12
3840 Ffrenetic Murray Gilbert 25 5 13 32 30 [35] 6 111 13
3823 Ffoto Finish Brett Willcock 23 2 9 40 [50] 14 26 114 14
3818 Ffizzy Gill Browning 13 [51] 19 17 36 15 14 114 15
3851 Ffuk Ian Linder 19 [40] 27 18 10 21 23 118 15
3923 Ff Charles Apthorp 18 29 [107] 27 6 29 18 127 17
3832 Blowffish Adrienne Rekke 6 26 38 20 21 18 [107] 129 18
3781 16 David Tucker 22 8 22 [107] 39 30 13 134 19
3743 Spot The Difference Greg Tonnison [44] 33 23 30 5 16 28 135 20
3907 Foreign Affair Phil Quinn 29 28 15 31 25 12 [107] 140 21
3931 N/a Alan Bax 3 10 107 2 [23] 8 11 141 22
3909 Skandia Adam Kingston 21 68 [107] 12 22 13 5 141 23
3641 F'feckin'Eegit Andy Martin 37 16 33 [107] 7 24 24 141 24
3880 Where The Bloody Hell Are You Craig Rainey 17 32 14 [44] 38 17 25 143 25
3910 Yes Brad Sheridan 38 45 12 33 [45] 3 19 150 26
3928 Got any lettuce? Howard Green 12 39 29 21 33 [60] 17 151 27
3914 Defying Gravity Adrian Trattersall 45 7 16 34 15 [57] 35 152 28
3611 Smooth & Stoned Steve Douthawaite 28 23 37 22 19 25 [39] 154 29
3861 Supertoy Plays On Brian Carroll 16 41 [45] 15 37 26 21 156 30
3890 If Only..... Geoff Bayliss 33 31 17 16 12 48 [107] 157 31
3930 Aussie Falcon Dale Collings 35 14 26 19 [43] 41 33 168 32
3657 Super Snabb Matthew Owen 40 38 [107] 28 17 19 29 171 33
3754 Business Ian Morley 41 24 30 [61] 20 47 16 178 34
3717 Gamour Buoys Greg Leversuch 30 64 25 25 35 23 [107] 202 35
3835 Sucking Feagulls Andy Goddard [52] 42 18 37 46 31 30 204 36
3883 Boat John Lavery 14 15 20 107 18 33 [107] 207 37
3062 Good Thing Trevor Williams 48 9 36 60 [64] 20 36 209 38
3572 Relience 17 Ray Sebo 27 53 40 9 60 32 [107] 221 39
3902 Blue Flame Peter Hogg 31 [70] 28 47 34 34 51 225 40
3662 Wings John Tracey 39 47 41 24 [47] 43 32 226 41
3800 Saltheart Rupert Leslie 59 35 42 41 24 27 [107] 228 42
2523 Feel Flows Andy McKee 49 20 62 29 16 55 [107] 231 43
3854 Relience Ffenty Ffoo William Shand 24 49 47 52 [53] 28 49 249 44
3879 Aussie Way Neil White 26 [61] 39 46 49 49 45 254 45
3786 Sans Culottes Christopher Harris 58 19 [59] 43 58 36 41 255 46
3903 Elise Ian Cleaver 34 56 11 6 44 107 [107] 258 47
3541 Snafler Richard Guy 50 48 34 48 41 38 [107] 259 48
3897 Kooigjug Ken Dumpleton 55 30 51 [107] 57 37 31 261 49
3878 Ffast Lane 2 John Wilson 60 43 43 39 [65] 40 42 267 50
3525 Freodoctor Doug Cooksey 57 [57] 55 36 32 44 43 267 51
3774 Rollercoaster Tom Murphy 8 63 44 [107] 61 46 48 270 52
3775 Absolutely Ffabulous Philippa Packer 56 44 49 [58] 28 42 53 272 53
3527 Just Looking Peter Milne 61 52 [107] 35 26 81 20 275 54
3616 Ffunnily Enuff Stephen Leicester 46 27 32 [107] 62 54 54 275 54
3095 Fiddle-de-dee Adam Semple [62] 25 56 56 48 58 38 281 56
3799 One Under Veronica Falat 107 22 21 107 [107] 22 22 301 57
3814 Comited to conffusion John Wallace 42 [78] 48 50 52 72 37 301 57
3103 F N F Jim Callahan 68 54 46 54 27 53 [107] 302 59
3797 Changing Lanes David Swan 51 36 57 68 [70] 52 40 304 60
3169 Skinffull Robert Anderson 54 [69] 35 45 56 67 47 304 61
3893 Ffrig It Peter Lawson 72 50 52 26 54 50 [107] 304 62
3087 Iff Sally Garrett 67 34 [68] 59 55 61 34 310 63
3815 Passing Wind Athol King 47 46 63 64 42 [71] 58 320 64
962 Affrodite Reagan Bear 63 [81] 65 51 51 56 55 341 65
3822 Ruffian John Crosby 53 59 58 55 67 59 [107] 351 66
3259 Celtic Pride Chris Hall 73 [75] 54 57 63 63 46 356 67
3063 Stress Free Zone Kevin Griffiths 75 [86] 70 49 73 64 44 375 68
2251 Iffy Clive Arnold 74 67 50 67 [85] 65 56 379 69
3088 First Offspring David McIntyre 70 [82] 67 53 68 69 52 379 69
3167 Different Priorities Steve Cranch [79] 60 60 65 77 62 61 385 71
3745 Splash Tom Ruut 76 72 53 42 72 73 [107] 388 72
3709 Ghost Magic ronald walker 71 62 61 [81] 78 70 50 392 73
3767 Bubbles Ken Bubb 69 55 64 70 59 78 [107] 395 74
3846 Demon 3 Alan Carson 43 77 77 66 [89] 68 64 395 74
2250 Euffamism Robin Malpas 66 79 71 [79] 69 66 65 416 76
3761 Grumpy Old Woman John Hassen 64 66 73 73 82 [92] 67 425 77
3012 Sunday Session Jennifer Richardson [92] 58 66 85 88 76 57 430 78
3859 Gannin Tappy Lappy Michael Clark 65 74 74 69 86 [86] 63 431 79
2352 Black Pearl Lisa Deppeler 81 71 [107] 76 66 79 68 441 80
3058 Just Add Water Ronald Joseph [89] 88 72 62 79 82 59 442 81
3876 Kerfuffle Carlyon Knight-Evans 77 [99] 69 82 83 75 70 456 82
3442 Lean & Mean Doug Bell 82 73 78 84 75 [89] 72 464 83
2116 Jakers Michael Monk 78 65 84 90 97 51 [107] 465 84
2823 Diffino Murray Latham 84 76 79 63 80 84 [107] 466 85
2825 Happy Days Jennifer Sims 93 96 76 75 71 [96] 60 471 86
3056 Ffang Katarina Lammonby 86 89 90 72 81 [91] 66 484 87
3836 Effeffex Peter Bradford 94 [101] 80 87 90 74 75 500 88
1129 Shalom Ari Sherr [97] 87 107 74 87 77 73 505 89
2760 Wal Paul Woodman [107] 92 88 78 91 99 62 510 90
1690 Red Hot Go David Arnold 87 80 75 107 74 90 [107] 513 91
2671 Fee Fi Fo Fum Cameron Taylor 96 85 87 89 [101] 93 74 524 92
2672 Gazelle Iii Phillip Lammonby 80 95 86 71 94 101 [107] 527 93
2110 Mistral James Simmons 91 90 83 91 84 88 [107] 527 93
2114 Sweet Caroline Thomas Thujis 88 98 91 88 [99] 95 69 529 95
3246 Traveling Sailsman Peter Shell 98 91 107 77 76 83 [107] 532 96
2971 Rag Dolly Leigh Nielsen 90 94 92 83 95 85 [107] 539 97
3887 Affa Robert Chaffe 107 84 93 107 [107] 80 76 547 98
2030 Ffiesty James Horman 107 83 81 80 92 107 [107] 550 99
3064 Lock N' Load Dave Raynolds 95 93 85 92 100 87 [107] 552 100
2243 Relience Vi Michael McCartney 85 100 89 86 93 102 [107] 555 101
2385 In the Pink Amanda Millar 83 102 82 93 103 103 [107] 566 102
2388 Polka Dot Joe Wilding [107] 104 95 97 104 98 77 575 103
1401 Mag Shea Wilding 107 107 [107] 95 102 97 71 579 104
3309 Clockwork V11 Denis Buckley 99 97 107 94 96 94 [107] 587 105
2115 Miniffini Gordon Cook 107 103 94 96 98 100 [107] 598 106